Hey guys, I'm just posting the requirements here as some of you may not have your badges paper (and the one in the Girl Guides Singapore website may not be the same as the one on the paper). So yeah, happy looking, and those who want me to email this to them can drop a tag at the tagboard :)
Photographer's Badge
1. Know the functions of the different parts of the camera, ie, lens, shutter and stops.
2. Explain briefly what causes the production of a negative and positive print.
3. Bring to the test six prints (either black and white, colour or combination) which she has taken and printed during the previous nine months; the prints to be mounted in any of the usual ways. The six prints should come from each of the following:
3.1 Indoor/outdoor portrait/studio architecture
3.2 Landscape/Cityscape/seascape architecture
3.3 Close-up
3.4 Nature/wildlife/animals/birds/insects
3.4 Nature/wildlife/animals/birds/insects
3.5 Night scene
3.6 Action/sports/panning
3.7 Still life
3.8 People/kids/dance/work
3.9 Movement concerning non-human element (ie. water, leaves swaying)
3.10 Movement with human elements
3.11 Abstract
3.12 Backlight.
Out of the six prints, 3 must be taken using a DSLR and the rest taken by a compact camera. (Please indicate which clauses your pictures are under! :D )
4. Describe the conditions in which the photographs in clause 3 were taken: how the negatives were developed and the prints made; what materials were used.
Addition: Guides should demonstrate knowledge of both compact digital camera and an SLR.
Speaker's Badge
1. Recite from memory a short poem or passage of verse of choice, lasting not less than one minute and not more than two minutes.
2. Read aloud a passage provided by the tester.
3. Do the following:
3.1 Introduce and thank a visitor at a meeting (do a skit for this)
3.2 Prepare and take Guide prayers (singing grace, singing TAPS, etc)
3.3 Speak confidently and effectively to an audience for not less than three minutes and on a subject given to her five minutes beforehand.
4. Talk with the tester about something interesting which she has done or seen recently.
Anyone who needs me to post anywhere else, tell me too :)
-Min Chyi :D
by west spring girl guides♥
@ 8:44 PM.
@ 8:44 PM.