This is a reminder to
ALL Guides.
( Please spread the message around. )I hope all of you still remember that Ms Goh said to meet at
1.20pm outside General Office for
Horseshoe Formation.
Yes, please do so.
I will remind your PLs later this week.
Cya tomorrow and on Friday!
CL, Xiaowei. by west spring girl guides♥
@ 2:05 AM.
hi again.
This post was requested by
Tricia, and yes, so I am here to post.
Juniors, PLEASE Please please come in to post more often alrights?
Haha, random.
Ignore me.
Ok, time to get
serious.Hmm, anyone enjoying
Schoolidays /
School Holidays?
Schoolidays applies to those who needs to go back for lessons.School Holidays for those who stay at home and do practically nothing and stone there for many hours.Okay, this is STILL very
Anyone anticipating for the
next CCA day?
Yes, please do so. :D
Lastly, please remember to
study hard for
Yes, the last lap for the year.
For the
Sec 1s, strive for the very best. You'll need those foundation very soon. Those in NA or NT, try hard to be promoted to Express or NA stream yeahhs? (:
For the
Sec 2s, yes. You girls are choosing your courses soon. Study hard so that you can go into the course you want and continue to work hard in Sec 3!
For the
Sec 3s, WE MUST STUDY! O levels are coming soon. Really soon. After this year, we will all step down and focus on our studies. So now, not only we must study hard, we must play hard too! The best thing:
Enjoy Guides to the fullest. (:
All the best to everyone for their EOYS! Jiayous! (: I'm looking forward to the next CCA day!
CL,Xiaowei. by west spring girl guides♥
@ 11:15 PM.